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Tutorials on using SketchClub

Welcome to SketchClub by Mark
Select Tool Tutorial by Mark
Mosaics by Mark
Animation Tutorial by Mark
Mishpot's guide to the Layer panel
Shading and texturing with Overlay by Theo Ybema
Duo's scratch tutorial
Burn and dodge guide by Treasureli
How to create a mandala by Schwabby
Text as a mask by Schwabby
Cut-out effect by Purple
Duo's guide to dodge mode
Duo's outline tutorial
Making custom brushes by RMJones
Mawx's layer setup tutorial
Mawx's layer blend modes tutorial
Mawx's value to color tutorial
Texturizing tutorial by Cowgirl
Using "on" (alpha lock) mode by Shelly
How to be a Group Leader by a•doorway

Unihorse tutorial pack

Unihorse has created an amazing set of tutorials covering both art techniques as well as app features.

Layers and blend modes
Vector tool and backgrounds
Two layer vector tutorial
Work in Progress
Using "on" mode
Make your own brushes
Backgrounds and textures
Texture, shadows, and filters
My Little Pony
Adventure Time

General art tutorials

Shadows and highlights by Tabulator
Pri's lighting tutorial
Pri's faces tutorial
Skin tutorial by ZArtStudios13
Portrait Process by Vermeer
Face tutorial by Dr. Toszi
Goodgirls's skin tutorial
Goodgirls's hair tutorial
KITZO's hair tutorial
Basic art rules by M's Butterflies
Simple hair by Peking Duck
Comics Books by Just Bob
Eye and nose tips by Fae By McKay
Nobby's guide to flames
Light tutorial by Roberto Rendón
Portrait Tutorial Loomis Head by Lucs
Realistic Apple Tutorial by Shelly
Mech design tutorial by Kingston
Rose Tutorial by Shelly
Easy Fur Tutorial by Mark
Vermeer's eye tutorial
Clouds by Roberto Rendón
Clouds by Kahlow
Wave Tutorial by Randall
Faces by Lydia
Loly-Cool's realistic hair
Fire Tutorial by Ness
How to construct a cartoon figure by Tabulator
Easy Felt Tutorial by Mark